Black Rose Wars is a tactical fighting game among aspiring mages striving to become the next Great Master of the Lodge. Developed over the last three years, it features solid mechanics, tried and tested in numerous trade shows and in many different groups of playtesters. In Black Rose Wars, there are lots of different ways you can win. It's up to you to find the method that best suits your strategy, successfully completing missions, defeating enemy mages or destroying the rooms of the lodge. But beware... because the lodge may get the better of you.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Pledge Manager!
over 6 years ago
– Fri, Jul 13, 2018 at 12:42:15 AM
Finally, here we are.
The Black Rose Wars Pledge Manager opens today.
Following you can find all the information you need to manage it.
Pledge Manager Stages
The Pledge Manager will be split into two stages:
the first will open from 12th July 2018 to 12th September 2018, the second from January 2019 to February 2019.
During the first stage, you can:
Choose your shipping plan, between either ONE Wave and TWO Waves
Change your personal data
Select your add-ons
Select your language
Pay for shipping
During the second stage, you can:
Change your personal data
Add more add-ons
Select your language
Pay for shipping
Select language
As announced during the KS, thanks to an agreement with an editor, we have been able to localise the entire game also in French. You will therefore receive a survey allowing you to select the language of your pledge. All the material will be translated: Core-game, SGs, Expansions and add-ons.
Smoke Test
The survey will be sent to a sample 300 backers to make sure everything is working properly, after which we will send the survey to all remaining backers. Within about 48 hours you should receive your invite. If you don't receive the email within the next 48 hours, please notify us at the following link:
It is not possible to buy the Magister Early Bird. That offer was valid only during the KS.
It is possible to insert extra Pledges at the indicated cost up to a maximum of 4 extra copies (5 in total).
The shipping fees are optimised up to the fifth copy based on the quantity.
The more copies are ordered, the greater the saving on the total cost of shipping.
Late Pledge
Late Pledges can also be purchased for a maximum of 5 copies at a different cost to that proposed during the campaign.
We made this decision to reward all those who supported us during the KS and helped the community unlock all the SGs.
For an exact estimation, we need to wait for feedback from the factory regarding the real dimensions of each product and their weight.
The correct fees will be uploaded before the PM closes and you will be informed via email with a new Update.
Until then, you can make changes to your order, either adding or removing material.
Please note that the shipping fees are indicative to give you a point of reference when making your choices.
You are free not to upload them now and wait to receive our news before doing so.
The aim is to offer the best possible treatment (we’re talking about a base box that’s almost 20cm high, almost three standard boxes) and meet the first wave delivery date.
ONE Wave or TWO Waves?
We hope you can’t wait to play Black Rose Wars, which is why, as we informed you on Kickstarter, we have arranged to ship the material in two waves:
Core-game, Crono Expansion, Hidden Thorne, sleeves, Bowls and deck holders - January 2019
The rest of the material, including Sator Square and Inferno - June 2019
I want to receive everything in one wave only
1.Open the survey and select your destination country for shipping
2.Then choose the language of your pledge
3.Add the Extra Pledges or add-ons you'd like
4. Check that everything is correct
5. Insert the payment details and wait for the Pledge Manager to close
6. Alternatively, you can pay using PayPal. Credit will be added to your pledge, which you can use as you like
I want to split the shipment into 2 waves (this choice involves an extra shipping fee).
Open the survey and select your destination country for shipping
Then choose the language of your pledge
Add one of these add-ons to incorporate the shipping costs (depending on your pledge level).
1. Initiate Pledge TWO Waves Additional Shipping Fee
2. Magister Pledge TWO Waves Additional Shipping Fee
Add the Extra Pledges and add-ons you’d like. In this case you’ll find specific Extra Pledges for shipping in 2 waves. The shipments have already been calculated:
Initiate Extra Pledge TWO Waves
Magister Extra Pledge TWO Waves
Case a:
I have a Magister Early Bird and I want to add another Magister to my pledge and receive everything in June 2019 in one wave only.
In this case you need to add a Magister Extra Pledge ONE Wave to your order and you don’t need to do anything else.
Case b:
I have an Initiate Pledge, I want to receive it in 2 waves:
You need to make sure you add an Initiate Pledge TWO Wave Additional Shipping Fee to your order
Case c:
I have a Magister Early H24, I want to add another Magister and receive Core-game + Crono in January 2019, and the rest in June 2019.
1. Add a Magister Extra Pledge TWO Waves
2. Add a MAGISTER Pledge TWO Waves Additional Shipping Fee to incorporate the shipping fees of your main pledge
Optimisation of shipping fees for Pledges and Bundles
For pledges and bundles, we have optimised shipping fees so that they are progressively reduced based on the quantity you decide to order. This means the more boxes you order, the lower the shipping fees you’ll pay for each box. The limit for single backers is 5 items for each add-on (including the main pledge).
Optimisation of shipping fees for single add-ons and expansions
We have inserted the shipping fees for Bundles (ALL-IN and Game Bundle) and an estimate of shipping fees for single add-ons that will be sent in June 2019.
Nova Aetas and Sine Tempore Backers
Credit for Nova Aetas and Sine Tempore backers and the Free Crono Kit will be added later on, after all backers have received their survey.
We will send a new update to inform you that all profiles will be updated, you won't need to do anything.
To avoid potential errors or problems with this material, if possible, please use the email you used for the Nova Aetas and Sine Tempore PMs.
For all requests for clarification or help with managing your pledge, you can write to the BackerKit support service or send a request to:
All retailers that have already joined will be added later on, for more information contact
As always, we leave you with a few images.
Stay tuned!!!
Codex Arcanum, Crono.... and PM!
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Jul 02, 2018 at 11:39:15 PM
Here we are with a flash update to fill you in on the work progress.
The latest news with respect to the previous update concerns the rulebook files.
At the address below you can now find the latest version of the rulebook updated with your suggestions, and an honourable mention for Frank Calcagno (this will not be the last version, we can make changes until the end of August).
As you can see we have added some stuffs for free :)
Pledge Manager
The PledgeManager invites will be sent soon.
The PM will be open at July 12 until September 12, and will be open also for the late pledge.
The next week an update with all the instructions.
Thanks again for all your support during this delicate production phase.
And now... Howard!
Stay tuned!
Call to arms!
over 6 years ago
– Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 12:06:37 AM
Hello Scholars,
sorry for this small delay but we were busy finalizing the first wave.
Let's assess the situation before showing you new cool stuff.
At the moment the rulebook is completed, reviewed and corrected with all the feedbacks that came during and after the kickstarter.
We would like to ask your support for a final check for typos and other mistakes before sending it to the factory (additions and corrections in the red boxes).
The Codex Arcanum has some translation delays and, even if it is finished in italian, we will be waiting for the translations to be completed.
It should happen within this week, nonetheless we are still within the deadline.
Crono expansion is in text review phase, it will be finished for next week when we expect also its english translation for your precious double check.
Sleeves files as well as the bowls are already at the factory, ready for production.
Card holders need still to be sculpted, we expect to receive them for the end of the month.
About Hidden Thorne we already send the mages' sheets to the factory.
What is missing then? All the boxes besides the core game one.
To focus and keep the pace to meet the deadline we decided to postpone Ashes. In this number you will find a small P&P of BRW for 3 players to have a little taste of the game.
The next release of our online magazine will come around the middle of July.
In the following releases there will be more news about BRW, the 4th player and extra rooms.
In this number you will find some promo events for BRW!
Stay tuned!
We are on track...
over 6 years ago
– Tue, Jun 05, 2018 at 05:10:47 PM
Hi everyone,
here we are with the first update following the end of the Kickstarter campaign.
In this update, we’ll talk about the progress of works to give you a better understanding of how we intend to proceed.
First Wave:
We are working hard to include as much material as possible in the first wave, giving you the opportunity to dive as deeply as possible into the world of Nova Aetas and Black Rose Wars.
For now, we plan to insert the following in the first wave: Black Rose Wars, Crono, Hidden Thorne, Sleeves, Card Holder, Bowls and all quests and unlocked events such as SGs.
At this stage, production should start within the established time frame, on 30th June, so we should have lots more materials to show you this summer.
Second Wave:
Much of the Second Wave materials are ready to go, for example the forgotten magic and Legendary scenarios.
We will start to work on all the materials that need finishing from July until November/December with a view to starting production in January.
We have just finished reviewing and formatting all spells in the base game, which are now being translated for the French version.
Next week we will finish formatting the Arcanum codex, so the next update will include a link for its download and review.
Next week we will also release the rulebook 1.0 with all the extras generated by the KS campaign, for example the custom spells.
At the moment the First Wave sculptures are near the finish (you can see the Medusa further down).
Our sculptors are finalising the files that will be sent to the factory. Once again, the deadline is 30th June.
Work on the new sculptures (the missing ones) will start after the summer, but in the meantime we will keep showing you the prototypes as they arrive from the factory.
Many of you have asked us for information on Inferno.
As you know, this is the least developed expansion of Black Rose Wars.
And while Marco - the author of the game - is moving ahead with the playtests to smooth out all the imperfections, here in the studio we're continuing to work on the graphics.
We should be able to show the finished materials for this expansion toward the end of the year, but in the meantime we’ll keep you up to date on any developments.
Below, you can see the centaur of the VII circle.
We'll be back soon with another update.
This KS is dedicated to all of you
over 6 years ago
– Sun, Jun 03, 2018 at 05:25:24 AM
There is no word to express what happened in this campaign.
We found exceptional boys and girls supporting us; it was an exhausting month to us, with crazy schedules, but thanks to you everything went well.
You supported and helped us, you gave us a lot of information and advice.
Long story short: you were fantastic.
Together with you we had so much fun, it was created an exceptional group that we believe and hope will keep being in touch.
This KS is dedicated to all of you, without which it would not exist.
To thank you, as you can see in the home page, plastic tray, room of the “troll” den and the first player miniature (crown) will be added for free to each pledge.
The lodge is in turmoil, knows that a decade is about to end and a new battle is about to begin.
Which one of you will be the next Grand Master?
Next steps
As you know, all the material of the first wave is already in the factory.
In the next month we will review the texts, also asking for your support.
On June 15th the factory will begin the preparation of miniatures’ molds, giving way to the works.
In the first wave there will be the basic box, Crono and Hidden thorns.
Also, we will probably be able to produce the sleeves in time for the first shipment.
All the remaining material will be developed and completed in the next six months, production will begin in January of the new year.
We normally publish updates every 15-20 days, but you can also find lots of news on our online Ashes magazine:
Soon we will release the first P&P to test the game.
Pledge Manager
The pledge manager is the tool that allow you to define your wish list.
During PM’s opening you can select all the desired material and shipping method.
The PM will be open at the beginning of July and will remain open 2 months, until the end of August.
That's all for now.
Thanks again from the whole LMS team.
Among the living beings that have exploited power in its purest form over the centuries, there are dragons. Beings with a soul so unfathomable as to be considered malevolent, originally they appeared as amorphous and terribly long-lived entities, so much as to be considered immortal. By exploiting and modifying at their pleasure the structure of the living beings with which they merged their lives, they traveled from galaxy to galaxy for eons.
When the meteor Genesis shook the planet that would then take the name of Earth, these beings fused their essences with the proud masters of the surface: the giant reptiles. The dragons gave their power and intellect to the best exemplars of that race, becoming the legendary beings we have all heard ballads and songs, associating them with a faded memory hidden behind myths and legends. Few are aware of a darker story, made of machinations and deception, culminating with a terrible betrayal.
Saridron, who over the centuries was remembered as the Mellifluous or the charmer, feared the human race that tended to proliferate very easily, unlike the lineage of dragons that was unable to reproduce. At the height of his madness, he hatched a plot so that mankind could not dispossess the dominance of dragons. Saridron instructed some promising men to use primitive and savage arcane powers, to the point that their names were forgotten to preserve the mage’s minds.
In this fatal day, humanity gained the power of forgotten spells, incantations capable of undermining the laws of physics and the elemental stability of entire continents. The dragon knew well the men's greed and, as he had planned, they began to fight brother against brother, distracting humanity from the real enemy: Saridron. Men understood the sordid dragon’s plot, and thanks to the power that had been given to them, they annihilated their lineage bringing it to the brink of extinction. Many of the hundred-year-old winged beings, who did not share Saridron's perverse plan, disappeared in areas inaccessible to most, leaving their evil companion at the mercy of the mages he himself had instructed.
The centuries were witnesses of the supremacy of men over all other creatures, but the resentment that Mellifluous felt towards mankind succeeded in manifesting itself through his greatest lie. Among the forgotten magic that the dragon taught his followers, a devious curse forever tied Saridron's soul to the very existence of magic. In this way, when a mage draws on the power of the dragonic form, he/she will obtain the appearance of the ancient Saridron, who will thus be able to vent his frustration against his enemies once again, perpetrating his vengeance for eternity ... or at least until this magic will not be forgotten again.