Black Rose Wars is a tactical fighting game among aspiring mages striving to become the next Great Master of the Lodge. Developed over the last three years, it features solid mechanics, tried and tested in numerous trade shows and in many different groups of playtesters. In Black Rose Wars, there are lots of different ways you can win. It's up to you to find the method that best suits your strategy, successfully completing missions, defeating enemy mages or destroying the rooms of the lodge. But beware... because the lodge may get the better of you.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Black Friday
about 6 years ago
– Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 12:27:50 AM
A new surprise update is already here.
There’s not a lot of news, which in itself is normally a good thing.
Production is going full steam ahead and we don't expect any delays.
Below you can see some images of the works in progress.
From 22nd to 25th November you’ll find a number of offers on our website linked to Black Friday, resin miniatures, the latest copies of NA and much more:
To make sure everyone can edit their addresses in time, we will send two requests, one shortly and one when the ships arrive.
We kindly ask that you re-check your orders to make sure there are no errors. So many of you have been patient with us and we’d like to avoid all the problems that normally come along with shipments.
If you encounter any problems or have specific questions, please open a ticket by visiting this link:
A Rose from Essen
about 6 years ago
– Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 12:13:14 AM
Hello everyone!
Here’s the new update to keep up with the developments of Black Rose Wars.
First of all, we want to thank all those who have come to visit us in Essen Spiel 2018. You have been fantastic, your enthusiasm and your warmth always push us to try to improve and go bigger.
Above all, we thank those who came to help us: Andreas Micheel, Niklas Fröse and Bernd Stumpf, guys your help is absolutely priceless.
A special thanks to our good friend Oliver Salten and his gaming company, who are responsible for BRW’s German translation, I hope you enjoyed at least as much as we did BRW and Dungeonology.
Essen has brought numerous contacts, both for distribution and production, new game design and artists have appeared at our booth to introduce themselves and get to know each other.
This can only please us! Be aware that our work is recognized and appreciated enough to want to be part of the group is a source of pride for us.
The last thanks goes to the guys of the Gremlin Project and to those of Dark Gate Games, with whom we continually tighten collaborations (below you will read about a fantastic project we have participated in).
During the fair, David and Emily of Easter Games went to visit us with some fantastic news.
Emily, who is in charge of supervising our production, has confirmed that by early December the first wave of BRW will be on ships, thus by the beginning of January it will be in the fulfillment centers.
With almost a month ahead of schedule.
Emily also brought us all the material of the game, including miniatures, to show our visitors.
The reception was exceptional: excellent materials, visually and qualitatively.
Those who tried the game, with Marco Montanaro directing, could not help but notice the usefulness of materials, such as bowls or card holders, the beauty of the sleeves and miniatures and the quality of every single component on the table.
Below you will find several pictures from the factory in China, the works are almost completed:
and now... video:
There’s no rose without thorns.
The Andromeda model has a base without holes for the rose pins. It is not a problem that hinders the gameplay, but considering the love we put into our games we immediately battened down the hatches, so in the second wave you will receive 3 new miniatures for free with the correct base.
As said at the beginning of the update, we are pleased to announce a crossover of all respect, the union of two worlds that have marked the small (but important) goals in the game board scenario, especially in Italy.
Sword & Sorcery meets Black Rose Wars and one of his demons, Cerberus/Cerbero.
Thanks to the friendship with Simone Romano and Nunzio Surace, two extraordinary forces will clash in the Arena of Talon ... but first of all...
Sword & Sorcery is an epic-fantasy cooperative board game in which 1-5 players fight together against the forces of evil, which are controlled by the game system itself.
Each player controls one or more heroes – legendary characters brought back to life by powerful sorcery. Weakened by the resurrection, they grow stronger during their story-driven quests. By acquiring soul points during battles, the heroes' souls regenerate, restoring their legendary status with multiple powers, magic and soul weapons, and powerful artifacts.
The expansion involving our character, as mentioned before, is an arena against the Lion of Nemea, follow the link to learn more:
That’s all, for now: we make our farewell, as usual, with some new amazing BRW’s pictures:
And now.... news...
I can only say: ...soon!
about 6 years ago
– Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 02:42:58 AM
Hello, everyone!
Here we are with a new and awaited update.
First of all, I am happy to inform you that the production process is
going very well.
As you can see from the pictures, the works are well underway.
We are currently working on miniatures, while the paper part is almost
We received in the studio the first PVC print: here are some pictures!
Unfortunately the dark PVC does not give a good idea of the beauty of
the models. To make you understand what we talk about, you can make a
comparison with what will be the final material (Sine Tempore’s
We will keep you updated on the production of the first wave and,
immediately after the Essen fair, we will start giving you info about
the second wave.
As concerns Essen, we renew the invitation to come and visit us to
experience the quality of our products and to try out the games in
There will be a table dedicated to BRW (the largest of the Booth), a
table hosting both Nova Aetas and Sine Tempore and two tables
dedicated to the new Dungeonology.
In addition, you will find the second paper number of Ashes, which is a
special issue for the fair, with 3 promo cards.
and... as usual:
Stay tuned!
We are on track!
over 6 years ago
– Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 01:33:18 AM
Hi everyone,
How was your summer break?
We have returned to work totally motivated and full of new ideas.
Here’s a quick summary of the situation with our beloved game.
Wave 1
Wave 1 has gone to print, we are happy with what we've seen thus far and with the preview we’ve received from the factory.
Our colleagues in China, our dear Emily, have assured us that we are running on time, that all boxes will see the light before the deadline.
To be more specific:
The rulebook, both in English and in French, have gone to print and will be the first to be completed.
The boxes have all been approved and they too have gone to print, just like the cards.
We are waiting to see the game tiles before giving the OK for mass production.
The miniatures have passed the review stage and the factory is producing the moulds, which is the most complex and longest part to manage.
Wave 2
Wave 2, as per schedule, will be complete by January 2019, with a bonus month in February for any necessary corrections.
The aim is to start production immediately after Chinese New Year.
The promised $5 discount for Nova Aetas and Sine Tempore past backers will be applied automatically in a few days, when we will charge your Credit Cards on the Pledge Manager.
Due to some inconveniences regarding the Pledge Manager, all past backers who paid with PayPal on the PM with Backerkit (Add-ons, Shipping fee, Late Pledge) must complete this form in order to obtain the 5$ discount:
We are pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting at Essen for the third year running.
This year, thanks to our achievements, you can find us in Hall 2, booth C106.
Many of you will be able to appreciate our efforts first-hand.
During the fair, we will introduce our next game, Dungeonology, together with its authors, Danilo Guidi and Diego Fonseca, who will be more than happy to let you try it.
What’s more, we’ll be bringing all the BRW material sent to us by the factory. We plan on having the PVC miniatures of Wave 1 and a good part of the game materials, so that you can appreciate the final quality of the product.
We will also release the second Special Fair Edition of Ashes with an impressive 3 promo cards, two new missions for NA and ST, plus a few bonuses for BRW.
For all those unable to attend, but who would love to receive these 3 fantastic new promos, you can find this special edition on our online store immediately after the fair ends.
There will also be another surprise, but we don't want to reveal all straight away.
May the magic be with you ...until the next update.
Happy summer!!!
over 6 years ago
– Thu, Aug 09, 2018 at 01:08:17 AM
Here we are again with the latest production update.
The factory has confirmed that they’re on track to meet the deadlines.
The first miniature print is already under way and we expect to receive the models by the end of the month.
Unless changes need to be made, the moulds should go into production by September.
The punchboards are finished, the files are with the factory, and by the end of the month we should receive the Blanks to check the quality of the cardboard and the cut-outs.
The cards are ready for production, and just like the punchboards, we expect to receive the Blanks by the end of the month.
The rulebooks are finished, we simply need to make the corrections pointed out by yourselves. We have until the 10th August, so if there’s anything else you need to tell us, please do so now. Your support is essential in guaranteeing a quality product.
The box files are all ready to go, except for the Card Holders one, which is being worked on.
The only exception to all this is Crono.
We ended up adding a number of different things to the Crono box, as we got a little carried away by all the fun and our passion. We are now in the process of reviewing the material.
We have until 10th August to submit all the files to the factory in China.
In the meantime, we are continuing to work on the second wave.
We have almost finished all the Elementalist models and finally have the concept for Lucifer.
LMS will continue to work on various projects in the pipeline throughout the month of August.
Sine Tempore is on track for production, Black Rose Wars has begun production for the first wave and we are starting to prepare for Essen Spiel 2018 and working on a new game, named Dungenology The Expedition.
We will provide a brief update to announce Ashes in the upcoming weeks and will get back to you in September with all the latest news on BRW.